Genesis Adventurers
Genesis Adventurers

Genesis Adventurers

Genesis Loot bags are full of the items carried by the 2,540 original “Genesis Adventurers” of Loot, whose existence is implied by the math hidden inside the OG Loot contract.

The first fully-rendered Genesis Adventurer of the Fox. This is a single rendering from an individual artist (Anon11).

What is a Genesis Adventurer?

  • A Genesis Adventurer is an NFT (ERC721) representing one of the 2,540 original adventurers in the Loot Universe.
  • These Genesis Adventurers (AKA “Genesis Loot” bags) can be minted from wallets carrying a perfect set of 8 Genesis Mana mint passes, one GM for each item type (Weapon, Head, Hand, etc), all from the same Order (of the Fox, of Brilliance, etc).
  • When a player summons the spirit of a Genesis Adventurer, the player receives their Genesis Loot bag.
  • This Genesis Loot bag entitles the player to special privileges, Adventure Time ($ATIME), GA characters, quests, rewards, access, community, and the power to steer the overall Genesis Project




Can I mint a Genesis Adventurer right now? (Yes if you have a complete set of Genesis Mana)
Will minting a Genesis Adventurer affect my Loot bag? (No!)
Will minting a Genesis Adventurer affect my Genesis ManaGenesis Mana?
How do we know that the "Of" Suffixes are in fact the organizing principle around which the original “perfect” bags were designed?
  • What is the cost of a Genesis Adventurer? Free for first 20, 0.25Eth for #21 - 500, community vote for each next tier of mint fees.
    1. Resurrecting Genesis Adventurers (using a complete set of 8 Genesis Mana) is free for the first 20 GA's
    2. GAs #21 - 500 will only be 0.25Eth to mint, and note that in most cases this cost will be shared across teams of 2-8 people.
    3. Beyond #200, we are going to try something that no Loot project has done yet —** we will empower this community to vote on the go-forward price**
      1. GAs #1 - 20: 0 ETH
      2. GAs #20-200: Voted for 0.25 ETH
      3. GAs #201-300: Voted to keep at 0.25 ETH
      4. GAs #301-500: Voted to keep at 0.25 ETH
      5. GAs #501 - TBD: community will vote to decide
      6. Where does this mint fee go?

How to Mint Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers

Mint from the Website:

Mint from the Contract:

Click to Expand: How to Mint GAs from the Contract

If you're just arriving, some more information to get you oriented:

"Wait, what is the Genesis Project?"

Side quest

PHEW — if you've made it this far, congrats, and welcome. Come join us in Discord.