Adventure Time ($ATIME)

$ATIME is a resource (an ERC-20 utility token) to be used in the games ahead. In harmony with other Loot-inspired utility tokens like $LORDS that may be used as the currency of the Lootverse, $ATIME will be used to "manipulate time" in the quests ahead, and across the wider ecosystem.

Claim on Etherscan

(Click Contract, Connect, Write, Claim)

For those intrepid Travelers who have reached through time and learned to summon a Genesis Adventurer, this $ATIME can be claimed for free — 20,320 $ATIME tokens per Genesis Adventurer held in your wallet.

How Can Adventure Time Be Used?

Adventure Time is a resource that allows players to manipulate time across the Lootverse Use $ATIME to accelerate time, slow down time, transport through time, reach through time to bring back lost items, glimpse the future, travel to the past to learn some ancient knowledge...and anything we can all dream up.

(Expand the sections below)

Things that players can use $ATIME for within the context of the Genesis Project:

  • $ATIME is an in-world game token for the Genesis Project. It is not a speculative token — it is a tool to enable players to do the following:
And Beyond
🕰️Mechanics of Adventure Time ($ATIME)