Adventure Time ($ATIME)

$ATIME is a resource (an ERC-20 utility token) to be used in the games ahead. In harmony with other Loot-inspired utility tokens like $LORDS that may be used as the currency of the Lootverse, $ATIME will be used to "manipulate time" in the quests ahead, and across the wider ecosystem.

Claim on Etherscan

(Click Contract, Connect, Write, Claim)

For those intrepid Travelers who have reached through time and learned to summon a Genesis Adventurer, this $ATIME can be claimed for free — 20,320 $ATIME tokens per Genesis Adventurer held in your wallet.

How Can Adventure Time Be Used?

Adventure Time is a resource that allows players to manipulate time across the Lootverse Use $ATIME to accelerate time, slow down time, transport through time, reach through time to bring back lost items, glimpse the future, travel to the past to learn some ancient knowledge...and anything we can all dream up.

(Expand the sections below)

Things that players can use $ATIME for within the context of the Genesis Project:

  • $ATIME is an in-world game token for the Genesis Project. It is not a speculative token — it is a tool to enable players to do the following:
  • To reach back through time and discover (aka pick) the original name of your Genesis Adventurer and inscribe it onchain.
  • Reveal the true name of your GA’s Lost Mana
    • Go back in time and discover the origin story of your Lost Mana item, who owned it and what item it was, and replace that item name inside of your GA
Lost Mana Trading Post
- CURRENTLY CLOSED, may reopen if there is interest
CLOSED - Season One: $ATIME as the catalyst for trades

The Lost Mana Trading Post is re-opening its doors, with some new, simplified guidelines.

One item of <> One item of
Genesis Mana
Genesis Mana
+ 100 tokens of
Adventure Time ($ATIME)

👉 Player Provides:

👈 Player Receives:


Each player can trade as many times as they want, so long as they have enough $ATIME to cover the transactions.



will open its doors soon (and will be announced 24h before trading begins). Holden the merchant-historian is assembling his collection of Lost Mana to display to his patrons.

The Trading Post will close its doors at the end of the first season of $ATIME, or when 100 Lost Mana have been traded, whichever comes first. We'll regroup and adjust the Trading Post model based on what we learn from this season.


The supply of 100 Lost Mana will be available to scout in this wallet:

How to Execute Trades:
  • Find which of the 100 Lost Mana you want by scouting in this wallet:
  • To trade, tag @holden in the #lost-gm-trading-post channel AND send a DM to @holden with:
  • a) your target Lost GM ID

    b) your GM to trade

    c) address to receive the lost GM

  • Trades will be processed in the order the DM with the target GM ID are received, in case multiple people are chasing the same item.
  • We'll try to get to all trades within 24 hours at most, but hopefully sooner depending on trading volume!
  • Once connected with @holden, the trader will:
  • 1) Send 100 $ATIME to: 0xfCCe78aBc832BC9f7F1935e729348FaA9e959323 (genesisproject.eth).

    2) Send a GM to: 0xfCCe78aBc832BC9f7F1935e729348FaA9e959323 (genesisproject.eth) - this will help keep the Lost Mana supply scannable in the primary community wallet.

    3) Receive your Lost GM to the address you choose!

Over time, we will automate this with a web app. But for now, we believe that this is a fun and engaging way to work together directly and build the community.


64 Lost Mana traded, across 18 players, collecting 64 GMs, and 6400 ATIME in the Community Treasury.

CLOSED - Season Two: The mana vending machine for $LORDS

Holden The Great Mana Merchant has created a Genesis Mana vending machine that exclusively accepts $LORDS.


Holden, the great adventurer and mana merchant, has been in town but keeping a low profile as he recently became a father. However, even without frequenting the local pubs, he has been bombarded with news and excitement surrounding a new trading token, $LORDS. At first, he quickly dismissed these reports; he had $AGLD, he had $ATIME - what more could $LORDS offer him. However, a month had passed, and the excitement had not subsided, so he decided to reach out to his most trusted and adventurous friends for more information.

His friends told him of a trove of new resources soon to be discovered, Dragonhide, Mithral, Adamantine, and more. Resources thought only to exist in tales but that his friends were now certain existed. Even more exciting is that it is believed these resources are the key to rebuilding the great Realms of old and would only be available via $LORDS.

While Holden had created a modest lifestyle for his family through his previous adventures and trading, very few in the current society had any real wealth. The thought of the Realms of old being restored to their previous glory and him being a Lord was too big of an opportunity to pass up. While he would typically just reopen the mana market and offer mana for $LORDS, he was still wary of public interaction in fear of bringing home a virus and getting his infant sick.

Holden was a great adventurer, and great adventurers are great problem solvers. He stayed up all night, and by morning, he had created the first-ever $LORDS Mana Pool. Those with $LORDS seeking Genesis Mana need not negotiate with Holden directly. Instead, they are able to acquire any of Genesis Mana Holden has available for sale for a predetermined amount of $LORDS tokens. Since Holden is keen on collecting these precious tokens, he is offering his Genesis Mana items at an attractive discount for $LORDS token holders. The pool will start with a modest supply of Genesis Mana, but Holden may add more in the future. Dedicated mana hunters are advised to frequently check the pool as they would the other Mana pools. Those seeking specific Genesis Mana they know Holden to be in possession of can place a request in #holdens-palace. A request does not guarantee that GM will be added to the vending machine, but Holden will do his best.

Trade Details

This market will be managed by sudoswap. We will make various Genesis Mana from our community treasury available for $LORDS via sudoswap.

The goal will be to price the GMs below the NFTx buy price (currently 0.1954ETH) but close to the NFTx sell price (currently 0.1791ETH).

With this model, $LORDS owners will have access to mana at below current floor price but not low enough to buy GMs from the vending machine and resell it to NFTx for ETH.


As soon as the swap is created it will be public and immediately available so this is inherently first come, first served.


We will give an advanced notice prior to creating the first sudoswap listing but after this point, adventurers will be expected to monitor sudoswap for new listings. Ideally we’ll provide a discord bot to post when new listings become available.

How to Execute Trades:
  • Navigate to
  • Select “All Swaps” from the menu
  • Enter the contract address for Genesis Mana: 0xf4b6040a4b1b30f1d1691699a8f3bf957b03e463
  • If you want something, buy it. Note anyone is free to list mana on sudoswap so there may be other swaps listed that aren't from our treasury.
Outcome (tbd)
NEXT — we plan to put the remaining Lost Mana into the NFTx trading pool

And Beyond

Ideas for the developers of future Quests, games, or challenges:

  • Reach through time and manifest lost items back to the present day
  • Transport at Lootspeed
  • Accelerate time
  • Slow down time in a battle
  • Go back in time and change something
  • Leap into the future and learn something
  • And anything that future game developers can dream up

Mechanics of Adventure Time ($ATIME)