North Star / Vision

North Star / Vision

The Genesis Project is a community of builders, designers, mathematicians and storytellers on a mission to create and discover the origin story of the Loot universe. Join us on our quest to reach through time and summon the spirits of the first and most powerful adventurers of the Lootverse, the “Genesis Adventurers .”

Thank you to Dom for the incredible inspiration and gift of Loot.


Based on the item data and fundamental logic of the smart contract, the evidence has led us to a hair-raising epiphany hidden in the Loot data and the smart contract:

In the beginning, before the bags were shuffled, these Loot bags were carried by 2,540 first Adventurers, the Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers. These Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers were the most powerful adventurers from each of the 16 Orders, sent out to save the Lootverse.
A Genesis Adventurer.  Its existence is implied by the OG Loot contract.
A Genesis Adventurer. Its existence is implied by the OG Loot contract.

Our mission as a community:

To re-organize each Order's full set of Genesis Loot bags back to their original state. With the perfectly-reassembled bags in hand, we can resurrect the Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers to defend and protect our Orders for the game ahead. Every player who resurrects a GA receives their Genesis Loot bag.

The Genesis Project, explained:

In the Beginning...

The Roadmap

Chapter 1: Distill Genesis ManaGenesis Mana from Your Loot Bag or Acquire it on NFTx or OpenSea

Genesis ManaGenesis Mana act like Mint Passes to create Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers .

The Goal: Collect 8 Genesis Mana to create a perfect Genesis Loot bag

  • One for each item type (Weapon, Head, Neck, etc)
  • All from the same Order (of the Fox, Titans, Giants, etc
  • Having all 8 Genesis Mana in your wallet unlocks the ability to summon the spirit of a Genesis Adventurer and receive its Genesis Loot bag as an NFT.
    • Current Mint Fee: 0.25Eth
    • 75% of Mint Fee Donated to the
  • Genesis Loot bags receive special privileges, airdrops and access around the Lootverse.

Free for anyone with a Loot bag. Others can buy or trade for Genesis Mana on NFTx or OpenSea

🔮 Learn more here about Genesis ManaGenesis Mana

Trade Genesis Mana on NFTx

Trade Genesis Mana on OpenSea

View the Contract on Etherscan

Supply: Per the implications of the original Loot smart contract, there are exactly 20,320 items of Genesis Mana to be minted.

Current Stats:

Chapter 2: Resurrect Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers from Your Complete Set of Genesis Mana

These are the original beings of Loot, restored and ready to defend their ancestral Order.

Per the implications of the original Loot smart contract, there are exactly 2,540 Genesis Adventurers to be resurrected from 20,320 items of Genesis Mana (8 items per Genesis Adventurer, like all Loot bags).

To resurrect a Genesis Adventurer and receive its Genesis Loot bag, you must assemble a complete set of 8 items of the same Order (of the Fox, of Skill, of Titans, etc, one for each item type (head, hand, foot, etc).

How to mint (“resurrect”) Genesis Adventurers —> Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers

OpenSea (Genesis Adventurers)

Receive “Offerings” from Derivative Projects

  • As a holder of a Genesis Adventurer, you will be entitled to claim future derivative projects across the Lootverse, from the Genesis Project and from developers in the wider ecosystem.
  • This opens the Loot ecosystem up beyond "original Loot bag" holders, and to anyone who holds a Genesis Loot bag that was originally carried by one of the Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers .

Current Stats:

Chapter 3: Claim Adventure Time ($ATIME)

This is a resource (an ERC-20 token) to be used in the games ahead, similar to $AGLD. While $AGLD will be used to BUY things in the Lootverse, $ATIME will be used to manipulate time in the game and across the wider ecosystem.

  • Holders of Genesis Adventurers and other Lootverse NFTs will be able to ClaimATIME for free from this smart contract

Claim on Etherscan

(Click Contract, Connect, Write, Claim)

Chapter 4: Discover 📜Genesis Scrolls (Not Yet Live)

These scrolls reveal the origin story of each Order — its purpose, its meaning, and its reason for being.

  • We are extremely excited about this North Star for the Genesis Project and intend to manifest this into the universe with an active and engaged community.

Beyond Chapter 4?

Anything else this community dreams up.

The future is ours to design.


...and by this point, the community and the Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers will be steering the ongoing Genesis Project