
Initial Notes

Genesis Scrolls Open Quill Program


  • SpiceDAO (Competition brief example)
  • LootDAO (Quadratic voting)
  • Blitmaps (Self-sustaining economics)
  • Polyart (Self-sustaining economics)
  • Crypts Crown Contest

Submission Guidelines

  • LDK is available as a support and foundation for your submission. Great submissions will likely lean heavily on it for lore direction
  • Round one: Stage it as Chapter 1 style.
    • The first chapter/ pilot of a book
    • length limit
    • no cap for the number of chapters
    • 3 winners
  • Round 2: Chapter 2
    • copy paste from Chapter 1
    • allow submissions from anyone, not just original writers
  • Art Round:
    • Required to be on-chain?


  • Determined by
  • 8,000 per community
    • Realms (8,000 votes)
    • Genesis (8,000 votes)
    • Divine (8,000 votes)
    • Loot (8,000 votes)
    • Do a pro rata voting based on the communitites

    • We want to give equal weighting to the communities
    • Look at lootDAO retroactive voting


  • Prize pool
  • NFT Auction off the submissions
    • each scroll as an NFT
    • 20% of proceeds recycle back into the
    • 80 % to creators

Timeframe to Launch

  • 3 weeks